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Welcome to the new website of Dr. Berjano, Specialist in Orthopedic and Spine Surgery, founder, CEO, and health director of Ortho-Spine and Director of the G-Spine Surgery Department at the IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute in Milan (Italy).


Dr. Berjano, Spanish born and Italian by adoption since the early 2000s, practices clinical activity in Italy and internationally and actively contributes to the development of new surgical techniques. He is recognized as an active member of the scientific community, deputy editor of the prestigious European Spine Journal, and a reference in the continual formation and surgeon’s training.


Dr. Berjano’s team has decades of experience in the management of spinal column problems. 



                                                  Their experience in microsurgery;

conservative treatment and infiltration for herniated discs; surgical and rehabilitative solutions for herniated cervical vertebra; treatment of fractured vertebrae from osteoporosis with vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are only a few examples of the “classic” techniques in which the team excels.  However, the clinical activity for which the team is recognized internationally are the modern solutions and minimally invasive treatments of complex spine problems such as herniated thoracic or dorsal discs, compression of the spinal cord, spinal deformity, scoliosis, kyphosis, sequelae of fractures, and spinal revision suregery for problematic interventions. When confronting these difficult pathologies, the team has introduced new strategical surgical techniques into their daily practice: minimally invasive surgery using an anterior approach (ALIF, XLIF), percutaneous osteosynthesis and also innovative open techniques, in combination with those techniques which can offer solutions to problems that just a few years ago were extremely difficult to treat.


Monza. Ortho-Spine 039 9165219





for information:

Secretary and Main Office


Via Marsala 3,

20900 Monza MB

Tel. e Fax: 039 9165219

C.F. e P.IVA: 07608550963 

Corporate Capital 10.000,00 €



Register of Surgeons of the province of Monza and Brianza from the 8th of June 2009 
First inscription to the register or surgeons in Milan the 26th of May 2003 

Order number: 3249


Portraits by Ricardo Berjano

© All rights reserved


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